Have you been scratching your head wondering how to safely pass out treats to little goblins and ghouls? It’s quite the popular topic these days as everyone is trying to figure out what Halloween 2020 is going to look like. One of the funniest ideas I read the other night included a lady sitting by her window to watch the parade of trick-or-treaters while sending treats down a slide! Pretty ingenious!
Luckily we joined a small group of neighborhood families to trick-or-treat at each other’s houses. This way we know all the candies will be prepped carefully and in the same manner (candy in small bags and/or safely distanced for easy grab-and-go).
So…how do you separate candy for the small group of families from the other trick-or-treaters?! Behold my friends, I have a fang-tastic solution!
I cut out large paper bats with my Silhouette CAMEO. Then I hot glued candy and a strong ceramic magnet on one side of the bat. Lastly, flip them over and stick them to your metal garage door! Now it just looks like a ton of bats taking over the garage but little do folks know this is both trick AND treat!
The bonus of this “grab-and-go” setup is that 1) nobody has to stay home to pass out candy and 2) it’s built-in Halloween decorations! 🦇🦇🦇
For the other trick-or-treaters, we will just do what we’ve always done in the past and leave a big bowl of candy out by our door and let kids help themselves. Although with our door on the side of the house, we usually don’t get many trick-or-treaters. I think last year we had NONE! 😕

The paper bat is Design ID#92570 from the Silhouette Design Store. I removed the score lines since my candy is wide. If your candy is smaller and can fit within the bat’s main body portion, keep the score lines, and fold along the score lines to make your bats dimensional!
To assemble, simply hot glue the candy and one magnet to one side of the paper bat and you’re done! It doesn’t get any easier than that! I hope the kiddos have fun picking their own bat to take home!