You know you’re a parent when you’re thinking about what you might need to make a leprechaun trap. I had never heard of it until my kids were in preschool and it was a very big deal. They’re a bit older now and I have a feeling this may be the last year they will be interested in making one.
In years past, this kind of craft would be done in school so I had to do a bit of research (aka Pinterest!) to see what all goes into a typical leprechaun trap. Most of the supplies we already had at home and for the ones we didn’t have on hand, they were easy to pick-up at our local craft store. Yay curbside pickup! This pandemic has made me a curbside pickup-aholic. Anyone else?! Sometimes it makes me feel a bit lazy but then I know it helps me save time and not to mention, money!
If you’re planning on making a leprechaun trap with your kiddos and not quite sure what materials you need, you’re in luck! I’m sharing with you today a free printable with a suggested supply list. The accompanying fun word search puzzle is great to do while waiting for glue to dry or if siblings are taking turns decorating the trap.