“Love” Smartphone Wallpaper (FREEBIE)

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The month of love is here and while we get busy finding ways to express adoration and friendship to others, I also think it’s a good time to love yourself! I know I’m terrible at not making time for self-care and sometimes running on low can take a toll on other parts of my life and my attitude.

So that inspired me to create a smartphone wallpaper to visually remind me of things that are good and true.

I am enough.

Choose joy.

Shine on.

I love me.

And the list goes on!

This FREEBIE is available herePlease note: Artwork may not be used for creation of goods/products, advertising, or promotion.

I hope this is a refreshing way to start your day or a attitude-switcher when you’re feeling off in the middle of the day. I truly believe filling yourself with empowering words will allow you to easily spill over that love and positivity onto those around you! 😊