Easter Countdown Eggs using Silhouette Temporary Tattoos

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Happy Spring friends!

I’m loving the daffodils blooming in my backyard! They blossom only once a year and not for very long so it’s a special treat to see those little bursts of yellow and white.

Along my side yard, there’s lots of new growth on the rose bushes. I can’t wait for the fragrant roses to bloom…I love cutting them to fill my home with their sweet scent.

And last but not least, my front yard continues to look good thanks to our evergreen grass, aka astroturf…HA! Seriously, best. investment. ever.



I spotted these wooden eggs at Target’s Bullseye Playground (aka dollar bin area) and knew I had to pick up as many as I could because 1) it’s a great price…$3 for six eggs, and 2) Target does not restock often with seasonal items. Once they’re out…they’re out! As I learned from Christmas…

Easter is an important holiday for my family and our faith…however, I have a funny feeling my five-year-old still thinks it’s all about intense city-organized egg hunts and kinda creepy-looking, scraggly Easter bunnies that you take pictures with. He’s at the age now where stories come to life and he’s full of great questions. So, why not share the stories of Easter with him?!

And then the crafter+mama brain gears starting turning and *light bulb!* How about making a countdown using the wooden eggs using symbols and stories from Holy Week? So, starting on Palm Sunday (March 25), we will talk about one egg, its symbol, and its story/verse until Easter Sunday. Since there are only six eggs in each set, we will skip a day here and there so that we end on Sunday.



Here are the symbols and stories/verses I selected from Holy Week for the six eggs:

  1. Palm frond – Palm Sunday – “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Matthew 21:9 NIV
  2. Heart – The Greatest Commandment – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew 22:37-38 NIV
  3. Water drops and feet – Foot-Washing – “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” John 13:14 NIV
  4. Wine and bread – Last Supper – “Take and eat; this is my body…Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Matthew 26-28 NIV
  5. Three Crosses – Cruxificion – “It is finished.” John 19:30 NIV
  6. Globe – Resurrection and The Great Commission – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations… I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

Now I may have gotten a penmanship award in school but there was no way I would be able to write the verses on the eggs! Silhouette’s Temporary Tattoo Paper to the rescue! I’ve been itching to use this fun material and here was an eggs-cellent opportunity. #sorrynotsorryforthepun #icouldnthelpmyself



Think your kids would like this simple Holy Week craft/activity? Below are the steps to make your own set!

  1. Prime the wooden eggs in white (or whatever color you desire). I added a second coat to really cover up the wooden eggs.
  2. Open up Silhouette Studio and find your symbols. For mine, I downloaded the following:
    • Palm frond by Sarah Bailey
    • Heart by Tanya Batrak
    • Wine and bread by Tanya Batrak
    • Three crosses by Sweet Elsie
    • Globe by Hero Arts
    • The water drops and feet is my own creation but I’m sure you could find similar designs in Silhouette Desigin Store and merge them together.
  3. The font used for the verses is called Nicklainey.
  4. For both the designs and verses, size them accordingly to fit the wooden eggs, fill in the designs with color, and remove all cut lines. NOTE: With Silhouette’s Temporary Tattoo Paper, don’t forget to mirror designs and text.
  5. Lastly, follow the Temporary Tattoo Paper instructions (printed and stuck on the adhesive layer) and adhere the tattoos onto the dried wooden eggs. Symbols on the front side and verses on the back side.


I am looking forward to seeing how my kiddo reacts to the Holy Week stories and I’m sure he will be full of questions! Not sure if I’ll be able to answer all of them but I’ll try my best or defer to daddy! Ha! Have your kids ever stumped you with a good question?