Road Trip Scratch-off Card

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The month of August has been a whirlwind! We cheered on our 5yo as he completed a two-week intensive swim program, painted 85% of our walls downstairs (goodbye beige!!), prepared for kindergarten, went on a roadtrip for a mini family reunion, attended a company summer event at the zoo, and watched our oldest lose not one but two baby teeth in a span of two days! Sheesh! I just got exhausted again recapping our month! How was your summer?? Was it just as crazy and jammed pack with activities?

Our mini family reunion a few weeks ago required a 5hr drive, which immediately put me in freak-out mom mode. You see, my son has an incredible knack of complaining at the 20-min mark whenever we are in the car. “Are we there yet?”, “This is taking so lonnnnnnng”, “Why is it taking so lonnnnnnng?”, “How many more minutes until we are there?” and the list goes on. I polled my mom friends and got a list of go-to car activities/toys, downloaded a podcast, and bought fun snacks and treats…basically anything that will help pass the time. One of the suggestions was finding some sort of Road Trip Bingo. There are printables online but I knew I needed to entice my child to keep playing. Entice with a reward system. Reward system using treats. #momwin



I created my own Road Trip Bingo cards with the help of Silhouette’s Printable Scratch-off Stickers. This specialty material is a clear sheet covered with a scratch-off coating.

To start, I designed a base card in Silhouette Studio with a grid of responses/rewards and printed it at home on my color printer. Responses such as: “Great job!” or “Keep going!” and rewards were geared towards my son’s favorite treats: gummy bears and beef jerky. Next, I made scratch-off stickers with symbols of various items/places you would spot on a road trip, like: tree, Starbucks, bulldozer, a stop sign, etc. These stickers were sized slightly larger than the base grid to ensure they covered the base card squares. That’s it! This project was super easy to create and assemble!



My son loved this activity so much (pretty sure getting his favorite treats helped a lot!) that he didn’t really play Bingo. He wanted to scratch off every sticker! No treat left behind! 🙂



If we ever have to do a long road trip again, I’m definitely whipping this project together! Lifesaver! Sanity saver!